Disney ornaments can make your Christmas tree look spectacular but just throwing hundreds of ornaments up on the branches won’t make your tree look great.  So before you just go crazy hanging your Disney Christmas tree ornaments here are a few tips to make you pick out a healthy tree this holiday season.

How “fresh” is the tree?   Bringing home an unhealthy tree means you are going in a bad situation before you even get the tree home.  So don’t just grab a tree without taking some time to examine its health.  You can check the “freshness” of the tree by bending a needle from the tree with your fingers.  Bend it in half and see what happens.  For firs you want them to snap, for pines you want the needle to bend but not break.  Check that the tree is not already losing its needles by gently tapping the tree trunk on to the ground.  Some needles will fall off even on the best tree however, if many needles come off you may want to skip that tree.  Another good test is to grab a branch on the inside and slide your hand down toward you and see if the needles stay on the tree.  The color of the tree will also help tell you about its condition.  The deeper and richer shade of green the better off you generally will be, also see if the color of the tree is consistent and evenly colored.

Make sure it will fit!   Always know how high the ceiling is where you will be placing the tree and take into account the extra height that will be added by the Christmas tree stand.
Picking out a pre-cut tree?  When you get home cut the very end of the tree’s trunk off.  Just a small bit, no more then 3/4″ of an inch.  This will help the tree absorb more water which in turn will keep it healthy longer.

Your Christmas tree will be thirsty!  Now that you have a beautiful tree to hand your Disney ornaments from make it last until New Years.  Be sure to get it in water as soon as possible.  Also make sure that there is always water in the tree stand.  The first few days you may need to add water a couple times during the day, so be sure to keep an eye on it.  Plain old tap water is fine for the tree; you don’t need to add anything to the water.

Stop and examine where you are putting the tree!  You do not want the tree too close to sources of heat such as a heating vent or a fireplace as the tree will dry out more quickly.  Also take into account that you will need an outlet nearby to plug in your Christmas lights.

These few simple tips will help tree the tree healthy longer so you can enjoy your Disney ornaments hanging from a green healthy tree the whole holiday season.